

Nicola Marino,

el alma máter

Born in Bari (Italy) in 1963, started in the world of gastronomy at the front of the restaurant-pizzeria family in Turin. 25 years ago he decided to come to Barcelona. Just after the ‘92 Olympics, Nicola bought a place in Casanova street no 94 of the Ciudad Condal and opened Piazze D’Italia.
Apart from speaking Italian he is also fluent in Catalan, Spanish, English and Portuguese. With an understanding and love for his regular customers, Nicola is constantly trying to provide them the best and latest products from his homeland.

Always at the forefront in recommending creations of the "bel paese" showing every day cuisine Italian but always faithful to the authentic recipes from their native land, the goal of Marino is culturizar the palates of its customers to change poor vision and limited Spanish society has the cuisine of the country of the boot.

Awards and


-President of Spain CIAO ITALIA (. The only association recognized by the Italian Ministry that brings together leading Italian restaurants in the world In Spain there are 10 only part of this institution)

- Winner of the Italian Ospitalità Award 6 years in a row (2011 to 2017)

- Participant invited Italian Cuisine World Summit. organized in Hong Kong (2010) Dubai (2015 -2017)

- Cooking teacher in the class master of the Club Caprabo (2009)

- Master cooking class for Club Torres (2009)

- Image of brand Riso Gallo rice in Catalonia since 2009

- President of the jury in Naples of World Olympiad Pizza (2004)

- Founding member of Arris Gourmet (Italian Association of Regional Restorers in Spain, born in 2003)